I have a confession: I've been a bad Mommy to my little blog. What have I got to say for myself? Well, I've been sick for a week - REALLY sick the last three days. However, the week before that I was just being plain old lazy. I owe you lovely readers recipes and stories and many, many things (I haven't forgotten that vegetarian recipe I promised either!).
Tonight, we shall address two things:
1) Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes, you're far too kind :) I'm now a quarter century old and said birthday was celebrated with all the pomp and circumstance that is appropriate for a woman of my slightly advanced years. Seriously, birthday weekend was rocking and I'm sure I partied harder than was good for me, which is no doubt why I'm suffering now. That said - TOTALLY worth it! Check out Court's blog for details and pictures! Which brings us to....
2) I have been extremely remiss in not plugging Courtney's latest fundraising effort. She is holding a crazy, massive, awesome raffle to benefit Team in Training. I'm a TNT alum and I know some of my readers are too. Its an excellent cause and her prizes are absolutely amazing. She's got running jewelry, t-shirts, bags, sunglasses, GU packs....the list goes on. Take yourself on over to Run, Courtney, Run to check out her full list of prizes and find details on how you win them!
That's all I've got for you tonight, my lovelies. I promise more tomorrow. Leave me a little love. Oh, and if some one can tell me who I blatantly stole the title of this entry from you shall be held in high esteem by this crazy blogger forever!
Fiona Apple is my idol!! I freaking love her- so I totally love your blog comment. And it's okay - we can't all tend to our blogs every single second of the day. You're allowed to have a life! :) Hope you get over the sicky feeling soon!